Dev of notes

The one who writes it...


I'm Piotr, nice to meet You.

Dev of notes
Dev of notes

I'm a software developer. My day-to-day job is about "delivering" solutions or designing them, for someone else to deliver.

Years of work with projects, from small hello-sites, to huge e-commerce portals, tought me that six hours of debugging might save me five minutes of reading the documentation.

Open source

I am timidly starting to take my steps in the world of open source.

📦 Dinjectease

Tiny DI container based on configuration files. This solution was inspired by Pimple.

I wanted to be able to control dependencies in a way I know from the Symfony or other PHP frameworks. Most of the existing solutions cluttered the service code to a greater or lesser extent. Dinjectease, on the other hand, allows you to configure all dependencies in a separate config file.

Check out the Dinjectease project

I'm online

In addition to the DevNotes blog, you can find me on Twitter, where from time to time I will say something about code or basketball (sometimes in Polish, sometimes in English tho). If you want to contact me outside of Twitter, feel free to get in touch through LinkedIn. Of course I did not forget to mention my GitHub, where I keep more or less useful code.